BHK Sera, which has been producing greenhouse materials and professional greenhouse systems for more than 25 years; started to operate its factory for the production of earthquake tents and greenhouse tents.
As BHK Sera, which has been installing and manufacturing professional greenhouse systems for more than 25 years; We have started the production of earthquake tents in our factory located in Ankara due to the natural disaster experienced by our country and the needs of the region after it. With our technical experience and manufacturing capability from greenhouse tent manufacturing, heat-insulated earthquake tents and greenhouse tents are produced to be brought to the region immediately. After this disaster experienced by our country, we continue our work at full speed in order to both heal the wounds and support, albeit a little bit.

Our production continues with our engineers, technical staff and effective capabilities. For details, please contact our Customer Service line.
Our Mobile Toilet / Portable WC production has also started. We are working urgently to bring quality mobile toilets with long durability to the region.
Please contact us for product scaling and material details.