Greenhouse Project Preparation
After deciding on greenhouse agriculture, the first step to be taken is in the preparation of the greenhouse project. In order to prepare a correct greenhouse project, it is important to get the consultancy of an expert in this field. It is a proven fact that the greenhouse project prepared by an expert is much more efficient. But how is the greenhouse project prepared? If you wish, let’s list how the greenhouse project is prepared step by step:
- The first thing that needs to be determined is the purpose of using the greenhouse,
- Types of greenhouses are selected depending on the purpose of use,
- The selected types are restricted according to the terrain conditions, climatic conditions and land size in the region,
- The type of greenhouse where the greenhouse will be built is selected, taking into account the budget allocated for the greenhouse project,
- The construction material of the greenhouse is selected depending on the selected greenhouse type, regional conditions and budget,
- After these stages, the size of the greenhouse is determined in accordance with the type of greenhouse and depending on the products to be grown,
- When determining the sizing, it is essential to get the highest efficiency from the air conditioning that the greenhouse will need.
- In addition, if there are demands specified by the manufacturer or deemed necessary by the expert, these are evaluated and added to the project.

After these stages, the project writing of the greenhouse is completed and the experts required for the construction of the greenhouse come to the region and complete the necessary installation. Depending on the service provider, the farmer who will produce greenhouses can be visited from time to time to check the condition of the greenhouse or inform the producer.
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